
I’m Nicholeen Williams

I am a firm believer in the scripture that says whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might as unto the Lord. I am passionate about the things of God!



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“Think not that humility is weakness; it shall supply the marrow of strength to thy bones. Stoop and conquer; bow thyself and become invincible.”
Charles Spurgeon


Who am I?
I am Nicholeen Inge Alethia Williams Nee Bell. On January 17, 2022, I celebrated my 23 rd year of walking with the Lord Jesus Christ. Before coming to know Him, my life was all about doing whatever I wanted, in an almost aimless manner. It is my belief that your name given to you has a lot to do with who you are meant to be. Nicholeen means the “people’s victory”, Inge – “Peace” (according to my Mom), Alethia – “Truth”, Bell was “beautiful” and Williams means “protector”. I have a fully loaded name! I am persuaded that my name speaks predominantly to my purpose based on what I have experienced over the years. So, in a nutshell I am lover of people and have a compassionate heart, I am a truth seeker and speaker, God has beautified me with salvation, and I am a protector of that which has been entrusted to my care.

I have been married to Christopher Williams for over 9 years and I have one biological daughter Jhenelle but many spiritual sons and daughters that I love and fight for with the same amount of energy as I do for Jhenelle. My parents are still alive, and I am grateful for this blessing.

All my saved life I have worked in full-time ministry. This has been an awesome experience. I feel so privileged to be chosen to do the things I do! I have held several posts in church, Sunday school teacher, Sunday School Superintendent, Cell (small group) leader, Zone (cells in a specific geographical location) leader, Choir Member, Armor Bearer, Youth Pastor, Pastor, International Youth Director, and International Missions Director. All these posts which represented great opportunities, was afforded me by The New Life Community Church International Family. I am forever grateful to them for their investment in me over the years!

In, June of last year, 2021, I was the founder of Truth Speakers Ministry International. To get to this place is a testimony in and of itself. It was in this same year that this book which is the basis for this blog was birthed! I hope you will journey with me as we continue to explore the virtues and benefits that humility offers!

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